Design a database schema for an online merch store
Designing a database schema for an online merchandise store involves defining the structure to store information about products, customers, orders, and other relevant data. Below, I’ll provide a simplified schema as a starting point. Keep in mind that the complexity of your database can vary depending on the specific requirements of your online store. Here’s a basic schema:
1. Products:
– `product_id` (Primary Key)
– `name`
– `description`
– `price`
– `stock_quantity`
– `category_id` (Foreign Key to Categories table)
2. Categories:
– `category_id` (Primary Key)
– `name`
3. Customers:
– `customer_id` (Primary Key)
– `first_name`
– `last_name`
– `email`
– `password` (Hashed)
– `address`
– `phone_number`
4. Orders:
– `order_id` (Primary Key)
– `customer_id` (Foreign Key to Customers table)
– `order_date`
– `status` (e.g., processing, shipped, delivered)
5. Order_Items:
– `order_item_id` (Primary Key)
– `order_id` (Foreign Key to Orders table)
– `product_id` (Foreign Key to Products table)
– `quantity`
– `subtotal`
6. Payment_Methods:
– `payment_method_id` (Primary Key)
– `customer_id` (Foreign Key to Customers table)
– `payment_type` (e.g., credit card, PayPal)
– `card_number`
– `expiration_date`
– `cvv`
7. Shipping_Addresses:
– `shipping_address_id` (Primary Key)
– `customer_id` (Foreign Key to Customers table)
– `address`
– `city`
– `state`
– `zip_code`
– `country`
This schema provides an essential foundation for an online merchandise store. You can expand and customize it based on your specific needs. For instance, you might want to add tables for product reviews, promotions, or customer preferences. Additionally, consider indexing key columns for improved query performance and implementing security measures to protect sensitive data.